Four Books I think every Programmer Should Read.

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Four Books I think every Programmer Should Read.

I have been learning how to program for while now, and have encountered alot that i think is worth wise to share it with you guys.😣😣

In this article, I am going to share with you guys 4 books, I thing every programmer should read that has nothing to do with coding.

Here are the four books listed below

1. Zero to One By Peter Thiel

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Peter Andreas Thiel ( born 11 October 1967) is a German-American billionaire entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and political activist. A co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies, and Founders Fund, he was the first outside investor in Facebook, and most importantly core founder of paypal with Elon Musk

Lesson From This Book

Going from zero to one means going from nothing to something. This is the greatest leap possible — greater than going from one to 10 or even from one to 100. To go from zero to one is to conjure something into existence from the dark void of oblivion. This is the essence of true innovation.. Don't worry, I will break this down; going from zero to one, means that creating something that nobody has ever created, as suppose to moving from 0 to n which implies you are always creating things that already existed.

Our Concern Here As Programmers

So, what practical l;esson as programmers can we learn from this book. I t is obvious that we learn to code for different reasons, most important of them being creativity. Creativity as in using lines of code to create something that have never existed in the history of mankind. But with this book zero to one, I have learn as a programmer to always reason counter-intuitively, to break things down: I have always reason like this, What will be the essence of learning coding if;

  1. Your intention is to build a facebook like app which Mark Zuckerberg created.

  2. Create a Website, for which they are millions of them on the internet. You can listen to his ted talk below👇

You can name them☹️..... So I recommend this book for programmers like you and I. Get the audiobook from 👇

2. 80/20 principle by Richard Koch.

Richard John Koch is a British management consultant, venture capital investor and author of books on management, marketing and lifestyle. But what intrigue me the most, is his book 80/20 principle.

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So what is the idea here. This book can simply be summarize as acheiving more with less effort. As we know a programmer´s tendency is always to make things as easy as possible🙌🏼. So this book will be of great help to us

Our Concern here as programmers.

There is a saying that 80% of a book content is found in 20% of the entire book, 🙄. Anyways how does this book help a programmer? Let us take this simple example; If you and ios and android developer and being given 2 options to choose between flutter and Reactjs , what will be your choice? Reactjs right? 😂😂😂😂 yes for somebody who haven′t read this book. Remember from our strict definition above, the 80/20 principle implies doing more with. Get the audiobook from 👇👇👇

3. How Successful People think By John C. Maxwell

John Calvin Maxwell is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership. Titles include The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. His books have sold millions of copies, with some on the New York Times Best Seller List, but our interest here is going to be his book titled ”How successful People Think📚”. Know more about author👇 Read more I think one of the essential things for programmers is critical thinking. True most of us know about critical thinking(which is how successful people think), but how should you do it? This book is your answer😊

Our Concern Here As Programmers.

As you continue in your programming journey you′ll here people trying to say programming is not coding☹️. Yea! I support the idea, because it turns out that people code without even thinking of what they are doing, but with programming, it′s a different story. One of my favorite Computer scientist Leslie Lamport✊ will say ”good writing requires good thinking and vice versa”. We are talking about thinking and this book emphasizes on types of thinkings like:

  1. Focus thinking.
  2. Big picture thinking
  3. Creative thinking
  4. Realistic thinking

And more, which are very good ways of thinking and writing good programs, get the audio book from👇 And thank me later😊.

4. The Power Of Focus By Rich Johnson.

As the name entails, the power of focus. This book helps you, to maximize your concentration towards getting a task accomplish.

This book is going to teach you the following.

  1. Why focus is important.
  2. Turning up the focus at home.
  3. Importance of sleep
  4. Importance of Exercise.

... and more +++

Our Concern Here As Programmer.

I did mention earlier when I was talking about the first book that programming is all about creating something from zero(something that has never existed). So it will be very important to us as programmers to read this book, so as to know how to focus when trying to get things done😔. You can get the video book below👇👇👇

Ok!😁 that was the little I wanted to share with you guys. Hope the article was helpful. Thanks for the keen attention🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏and remember to 👍 and share.